Baby Bust: How the boomers broke America

Episode Summary

This is the year that millennials will outnumber baby boomers in America. With a new generation ascendant and an old one firmly gripping to power, what will happen to fundamental tenets of the American safety net? Will entitlements like Social Security and Medicare still be there for generations that come after the Boomers? Will Millennials experience retirement as we know it today? Ben White, an unrepentant Gen-X’er, has some pointed questions for Boomers about the economic legacy they’re leaving him and younger generations.

Episode Notes

On this episode of Baby Bust, Ben White talks to Bruce Gibney, the author of ‘A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America’ about the large economic problems future generations will face, and possible solutions. Plus, why Gibney thinks sociopath is the right word to describe the boomer’s generation, and what he thinks made them that way.